Check for
— Conor White-Sullivan (@Conaw)September 24, 2020
Gatsby is amazing!!
In order to explain why Gatsby is so amazing let me explain the differences between my experience without Gatsby and with Gatsby
Just see this! This is what I have to do when I have to publish something
This is me converting my markdown document to HTML. Yup! That is pretty tedious
Then I have to take out 30 words from this using
Then we I have to paste those 30 words in a card template thing. Then I have to take that filled in template and paste it in 2 places. That was without Gatsby. Now how does Gatsby help me? I just paste my markdown in to a markdown file like this
After pasting it I fill in the stuff at the top and it all auto populates I don't
need to do anything more!!
At this point you should see how and why is Gatsby just such a helpful tool
I have still not totally moved on to Gatsby but will probably do so in this week